Monday, July 22, 2019

COJIITII green milk tea short review

I've had so many bubble milk teas for the past few weeks but recently I have started going on a 'bubble tea detox'- as in I have stopped consuming bubble tea for a period of time, maybe about 2 weeks? If you have read my previous bubble tea review, yes, the Xing Fu Tang one, that's the last time I have ever consumed a cup of bubble tea.

But today, my sis and her friend went to Damansara Uptown and they discovered this beverage store called Cojiitii that sells a variety of drinks and bubble teas- almost similar to KOI and Chatime. I've heard of this store from Soju Twins on youtube but never have I thought of trying it out.

Since my sis was there, I asked her to buy one for me.

So today, we will be reviewing the Green milk tea from Cojiitii.


Tastewise, it's like KOI, very light and refreshing. But this one has a stronger milk taste (it somehow reminded me of the taste of sweet condensed milk) and the tea is really fragrant. It has a very pleasant flower-y (jasmine) taste. The bubble/pearls were also chewy and golden.

I really enjoyed drinking this one so I'd definitely recommend this to jasmine tea lovers.

If I were to pick this or KOI (KOI used to be my ultimate fav), I think I will choose this one instead since this bubble tea is richer in taste. KOI's green milk teas are like a watered-down version of this.

   What's your favourite bubble milk tea brand?

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