Wednesday, January 15, 2020


HIYA FOLKS! It's great seeing you all again. The beginning of 2020 wasn't really kind to me; I was sick for an entire week and then classes have resumed so 2020 did start-off pretty rough.


There are quite a few things I'd like to write in this little space just to keep things updated.

Okay, maybe I'll start off by summarising my thoughts about 2019. 2019 was the year in point where I decided to focus on improving myself and rediscovering my passion for things that I like such as art and crafts and photography. For the past 3 years, I have been dealing with quite a number of unpleasant encounters/events/incidents so these things had affected my mood and thoughts negatively.

I'm glad that in the end, I have finally come to a point realising that maybe there are just some things that aren't worth the fight for and best is to just let them slip away and let things take its natural course.


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Here's a cute picture of young Roger Taylor to brighten things up!

Life in the past two months was pretty hectic. I had lots of CLP classes to attend and there were so many notes that needs to be done. I think life in the next few months will get even worse with lots of classes to juggle in one hand and revisions in the other. My civil law teacher always says this "You think this is tiring already? Ah, there's more to come." Clp is tough.. Imagine having to squeeze 9 different subjects of law into your head within a period of 9-10 months. My god.

[PS. On the bright side, I got to catch up with Brenda and Char two weeks ago!]

Take care and be sure to chug lots of water dudes!

BTW, I have deleted some parts of this originally long post because I just feel like getting rid some of that negative energy. I shall come out with a proper blog post about the cold brew soon because I have a new and improved method of making it.


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