Have you read the title above? Yes, spm is finally over (for me as I am not taking the chinese paper)!! After so many sleepless nights and the tons of stress, I am finally free! The feeling that I'm having now is just like how I previously felt right after I'd finished with my PMR. I actually/kindda feel a bit of lost and weird. This is because I won't be seeing each and every of my darlings that often anymore, for real. I will really miss those mornings where I could see and talk with each and everyone of you guys (if any of my schoolmates/classmates happen to be reading my blog, yes I'm referring to you too). My high school life has officially ended. I'm seriously going to miss each and everyone of them. Especially my closest friends.
My nametag which I used to wear every morning.
I can finally throw all the old/used books away now!
Imagine having to start all over again, heading into a new life. That will not be easy and I believe that it'll take me some time to get used to it. This also means that I'm going to start my college life soon! Time flies! But on the brighter side, I can now drive! As an update, I've gotten my driving license last month. It was truly a good news for me. :)
I shall now blog about the previous events that I haven't blogged for the past two months :)

Got to try out the new burger store named kissburger in DPC with my dear Qing :D
Kissburger sells japanese styled burgers.

I can't remember exactly what was the name of the burger that I ordered but it was something like a fried tofu burger. To me, the burger tasted fine but it was a little bit weird cuz japanese fried tofu + bun = japanese fried tofu burger? Hahaha.
Went to try out the thai boat noodles store in publika with sis and mum. We went there to try as we were curious about why it is so famous.

There you go, bowls of thai boat noodles with different kinds of gravy! Honestly, I don't really find it special and it comes in a really small portion priced at RM1.90 each. If you're just eating for the fun of it then it'll be enough but if you're seriously eating it as your lunch or supper, these few bowls are just not enough to satisfy your hunger.

Went to buy froyo from the newly opened moo cow frozen yogurt barn that sells readily packed froyos and fresh yogurts.
Stay tuned for more updates. Since I'm done with my spm, I might be back to blog a bit more frequent than usual, haha! :)