OKAY, it's actually a Halloween post, but I only update this post by now. Sorryy. :O
It's a lovely Sunday, so we went to FRIM to have a walk. This is our first time to FRIM, so I'm excited about it. Okay, I'm the one who suggested to go there. :)
Let the pictures do the talking! :D
OH yeah, happy belated halloween. LOL!
I'mma hair monster.
The FRIM's big field.
The scenery.
The big river, my sister played water there except me, cause my jeans are too long. :O
The water's so clean, see!
At last, I can't tahan anymore, I went to the river and played water. HAHAH!
Had so much fun there. :D
The water's so cold & clean. I like that. ;D
Wild boar! OMG, my mum says it's heading torwards me at first, but at last it went off because my mum shouted at me, lolololol. :D
The last picture that I took before leaving. :)
After that, we went to KFC for dinner. Oh gosh, I've never been eating KFC since ages ago. :O
KFC chicken. *drools*
That's all for today! :D
PS : Isn't it boring? :O
Yours Truly.
Doris Chong.