Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Photographys During Holidays.

Say it out randomly.
I love mother nature.
It's the best thing to be on the Earth.

Okay then.
Let me show some of my photographys to all.  :)

The edited one.  :)

The original one.

The special one.  :D

Green Leaves.

Small Green Leaves.

PS : I bet all of you had been viewing these pictures in my Facebook profile right? 
Well. Click like in Facebook of you like it.  :)

I love greens too !  :DD

The Earth is going down.  :(
Save the Earth please.
Let's save the Earth by reducing, reuse & recycle.
Eat more greens, eat lesser meat.  :)


I'm addicted to photographys.
I just love photographys a lot.
Trying to improve some of my picture's techniques too.
I know I know !
I can snap more pictures during the holidays.
Then holidays wouldn't be boring for me already.  :)

I felt in love with some of the plain musics too.
I love the music of the piano & also the saxophone.
Yiruma's piano musics are the best !  :D

I have my new idol too !
She's Katy Perry.
I love one of her songs a lot.
It's 'Hot N Cold'.

Katy Perry ! :D

I'll leave here for now.  
Tata.   :D

Yours Truly.
❀ нคяυ.